Looking back on the decision to become fulltime RVers, while still working, seems like a crazy idea.
It all started when Tracy left real estate sales for a remote job with her brokerage. Suddenly, we were much closer to living out our retirement plan but years ahead of schedule.
We had been scheming for some time about how, after retirement, we would travel around the country in an RV and see things. For me, it seemed like the cheapest way to survive on Social Security before finally moving in with one of our kids when we’re so old we can’t travel anymore.
But now, we no longer needed to live in Monmouth County, New Jersey for her work. Hmm. What if I, Tim, got a remote job also, we both asked? Wow. Minds blown. Could it happen? This became a matter of prayer, deep thought, conversation, and job hunting.
I started looking around at different possibilities here and there, even looking at openings at the same real estate company that Tracy now worked for.
Amazingly, it didn’t take long. Two weeks after we started this search, I noticed a remote position being offered right in my own department at my company. What? Could God possibly make it that easy? It was too good to be true.
The position was somewhat different than the manager job I had at that time. I think I can do it. I can learn some new things. During the ad hoc interview, the hiring manager seemed happy to encourage me to apply. I felt ecstatic. God just dropped a remote job in my lap. Insert smiley face here.
Long story short, I didn’t get that job. There was a slight glitch in the processing of my resume. The HR system was a little confused as to which manager owned the job opening. No one ever saw my application. Insert sad face here.
No worries. If God wants this, then something else will open up. And, open up it did. Another month or so later the same group, but different manager, posted a remote position. This one had an even greater interest factor. I really could see myself doing this job and being happy at it. The culmination of all my years in technology and some sales is coming together in something good.
Thank you, God! Insert huge smiley here. From here, this crazy idea of a roller coaster started downhill.